Friday, July 9, 2010

Hey everyone im back yay we finally got a compute and internet yay im excited lol..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hey everyone.. ok so im plannign my wedding and it is coming alon very well lol. i just need money to purchas everything.... so i plan and plan and can't buy quite yet but hey that's ok im doing really good.... today Dacati is 8 months old and huge lol he is getting so big its so crazy.. So im hoping that i will get more pictures up soon, im hoping we can get a computer of our own so i can play on here again but soon... im at my aunts house in prove so im gonna go visit tatta..

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hey everyone so sorry thst i have nto been here for over a month but i do not have the internet anymore and i got internet on my phone and the stupid thing don't even work lame huh i know. So anyways blake has been doing a job in wyoming and is not liking it right now and neither do i he is gone for 2 weeks and comes home for 2 days it is so lame cuz i never get to see him it sucks but we both deal with it.... so ya i let dcati sleep with me two nights and last night he was good but i tried to take him outside to go potty and he looked at me thatn ran into the bed room and jumped onto the bed and would not go outside. so he had to stay outside the rest of the morning he was not happy but he was not a good puppy....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I went hot tubbing tonight at my sister Nicole's and my brother in law Dennis' house, it was fun.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I just wanted to share some pictures with everyone of Moab. It was a blast we had so much fun.

Dacati found this thing, I don't know what it was but we went on a hike and found it. He carried it with him almost the whole time it was so cute.
Me on a rock